fast tracks

美 [ˈfæst træks]英 [ˈfɑːst træks]
  • n.快速晋升之道;迅速成功之路
  • fast track的第三人称单数和复数
fast tracksfast tracks

fast tracks


  • 1
    N-SING 捷径;快速成功之道
    The fast track to a particular goal, especially in politics or in your career, is the quickest route to achieving it.

    Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy...


  • 2
    VERB 使加速;使提前
    To fast track something means to make it happen or progress faster or earlier than normal.

    A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday...


  1. We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish “ fast tracks ” to facilitate the orderly flow of personnel .


  2. Here , the convenient three-dimensional transportation networks , such as the fast tracks , subways and inter-city railways , become the best condition for commodity distribution .


  3. A train can only run fast on two tracks .


  4. The bogie scheme for 120km / h fast speed flat car is given . The finite element analysis for the bogie frame is carried out . The results indicate that the strength and rigidity of the bogie can meet the demand of fast running on tracks .
